Scappoose is a small town north of Portland, Oregon, along the peaceful Columbia River. Doug Sellers, Owner of Sellers Arts & Crafts store was a skeptic at first if asked about ghosts. Often, he thought he heard footsteps walking across this apartment floor that is above the store, but he never could find the source of the footsteps. Later, strange sounds came from the warehouse, just beyond his apartment. Sounds that resembled boxes being dropped onto the floor, but again no one was found to be in the warehouse.
His cat, Skimbles, would suddenly jump off his lap and race across the room as if something was chasing him. The poor cat became so frightened that it would hide in the closet during the day while Doug was working. Other times, Skimbles would stare at an unseen presence as it moved across the apartment floor. One day, Doug came downstairs and found a box of ribbons he had placed on a shelf the night before, neatly stacked on the floor. The final event that suggested to Doug that he had a ghost occurred when he was busy at his computer and felt a light kiss on his face. Alarmed, Doug called in the Ghost Hunters to investigate the strange events taking place in his apartment and warehouse.
We arrived with our tools of the trade, such as meter for measuring the emf fields; sound level meters for measuring sounds above or below our hearing range and cameras for photographing any ghostly apparition. We took with us a Polaroid and two 35-mm cameras, one load with high speed B&W and the other with high speed Kodak film. Sharon and Dave conducted our initial investigations in the craft store, walking between aisles checking for emf anomalies that we could photograph. After completing our scan of the downstairs, we walked up the stairs to the apartment.
Dave walked up the stairs holding his emf meter as he scanned for energy anomalies while Sharon followed with her array of cameras. At the landing at the top of the stairs, Dave walked into the apartment while Sharon was still walking up the stairs. Once at the landing, Sharon felt an eerie sensation on the back of her neck, she felt like someone was behind her so she turned and snapped a picture of an empty staircase. Nothing was behind her even though she could feel the presence of something.
We investigated the apartment and found nothing. A few days later we got our film back and discovered the swirling energy vortex that had followed Sharon up the stairs. The shadow cast by the swirling energy vortex represents density that reflects light, yet there was nothing that Sharon observed at the time. After our program with Art Bell's Dreamland radio talk show, Art requested a photograph of this vortex for his web page.